Thursday, February 11, 2016

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

As more people are started using mobile devices, like Smartphone’s and tablets, for every task that used to be only capable on desktop, one thing has become clear: mobile is taking over Internet surfing. And, it's not even just surfing. It's everything from browsing social media outlets, checking emails and doing some online shopping.

Because mobile Internet usage is increasing rapidly, it's extremely important that your website is mobile friendly. Usually this isn't a major concern. You have a website designed for desktop users and another site specifically developed for mobile users. But, is it possible to have a site that is equally favourable for both desktop and mobile users?

There actually is a design that can handle both types of users. And it's called responsive web design.

What is responsive web design?

Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). In other words, with a responsive website design, you don't have to have worry about having different websites for various devices or making sure that your site runs properly on a mobile device

Why responsive web design?

Mobile First

·         Sites used to be designed for desktop users first. Mobile versions were for too minimal and had a very small functional experience. When a team designs the site for mobile first, the end result in the experience is focused on the key tasks users want to be able to accomplish when viewing your website.

Some other Benefits

·         Responsive sites work well across many existing devices on the market and should be a safe bet that it will be this way for a considerable time to come.
·         When you optimize your site no matter what the end user decides to view it on will make their life easier. Happier customers make for happier business.
·         Mobile Responsive sites take a bit longer to design and develop, but they survive longer however management, upgrades and support only need to be applied to a single place. This will save time and money.
·         Managing SEO for separate desktops and mobile sites is hard and it does not produce as great of results. Google recommends a responsive approach. Consolidating the view of your results means more focus.
·         Having your site consistent and optimized no matter what platform you are using to view it from, will provide a better experience to the user which in turn will lead them to engage with you than deciding to go elsewhere.

Which device and browsers should I test?
ü  Look at the client traffic on the services today
ü  Remember 80/20 – focus on the 20% that produce 80% of the traffic.
ü  Expect changes if you move from static pages to responsive
ü  Statistics in region and the market
ü  What's hot - on the way in the market - what's on the way out
ü  The type of device, the screen factors (size, dpi, quality) and the performance
ü  The OS and statistics from different sources
Apple devices - you can find information about the most popular here
Android devices - you can find information about the most popular here

How to test mobile/responsive Website?

ü  Synchronized Testing:
Synchronized testing is an efficient way to automatically perform the same action across a variety of browsers and devices simultaneously.
Tools like:
Gost lab

ü  Web-Based Services:
Web-based services offer the ability to test your site across a massive collection of mobile OS and browser combinations.
Tools like:
Browserstack and crossbrowser

ü  Viewport Resizers:
Viewport resizer is a browser-based tool to test any website's responsiveness. Once you activate the bookmarklet you have a series of predefined device icons that appear along the top of the browser to just between viewports.

ü  Browser Developers tools:
Google Chrome’s DevTools has a feature called device mode that’s loaded with helpful tools for testing and debugging responsive designs.
Unlike most other responsive design testing tools which simply resize your viewport, device mode actually emulates the mobile device experience, particularly touchscreen interactions like tapping and swiping, right in your web browser.
The tools features are:
·         Test your responsive designs by emulating different screen sizes and resolutions, including Retina displays.
·         Evaluate your site’s performance using the network emulator, without affecting traffic to other tabs.

ü  Simulator & Emulators:
A mobile emulator is a web-based simulation of how websites and applications will appear and function in a mobile environment.
What need to be tested?
ü  The flow and the stories – the communication with the user
ü  The GUI (presentation) and functions
ü  Difference desktop and mobile users
ü  Mobile users are in different situations and on the move
ü  Smaller screens, light and contrast
ü  Use of swipe, keyboard and mouse
ü  Different functions for different situations
ü  Security
ü  Robustness, stability and speed
ü  Data quality and communication with other systems

Common Gotcha's

ü  Landscape to portrait to landscape
ü  Drop downs
The problem though occurs if you have long selectable items on your drop downs, For example, consider a list of security questions
·         What was the name of your first Company?
·         What was the name of your favorite film?
·         What was the name of your junior school?
All these will truncate the questions, so all the user will see is "What was the ...".  There's really no solution for this, but rethinking the approach/redesign.
ü  Pop ups
Found any kind of required pop ups from a browser can be a little troublesome on mobile devices. This can include,
·         Are you sure you want to continue?
·         Read these terms and conditions.
·         Select a date from this calendar

ü  Decide how your web application is used. You can get a great wealth of information from Google Analytics tool to see which devices your customers use to reach your website
ü  From the analytics, narrow down your choice of device testing to target the majority, i.e. make sure your website works for majority of people as there is no practical way to test on every device combination.
Utilize automated tools and emulators to do the basic checks and high-level functional testing and combine that with real device manual testing

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Switching frame using WebDriver

public class paytm {
WebDriver driver= new FirefoxDriver();
  public void f() {
 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  public void beforeTest() {


  public void afterTest() {


Data Driven testing Using POI


  • Launch the website
  • login with the credentials
  • create 1000 records by retrieving the  test data from an excel file
Below is the Code:

public class MyCollection_AddObject {
WebDriver driver;
  public void AddObject() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 FileInputStream fis= new FileInputStream("D://Rakesh Chityala//Selenium Automation//Test Data//Collectrium Add Object.xls");
 HSSFWorkbook wb= new HSSFWorkbook(fis);
 HSSFSheet s=wb.getSheetAt(0);  
 driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[@title='My Collection']")).click();  
 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 for (int i = 1; i <= s.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
 System.out.println("i values is:" +i);
 //System.out.println("Number of rows are: "+s.getLastRowNum());
 //System.out.println("<------------------------------entered for loop-------------------->"+i+ " No.rows found : " +s.getLastRowNum());
 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 for (String winHandle : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
   driver.switchTo().window(winHandle); // switch focus of WebDriver to the next found window handle (that's your newly opened window)
 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 WebElement logo = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 60))
 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  public void beforeTest() {
 driver= new FirefoxDriver();
 WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10))
 driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 WebElement logo = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 60))
   .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//a[@title='My Collection']")));

  public void afterTest() {


Right Click Action Using Selenium WebDriver

  • Launch the browser
  • Navigate to
  • right click on google page
  • Click on View page source 
Below is the code:

public class rightClick {
WebDriver driver;
  public void f() {
 WebElement searchButton= driver.findElement("btnK"));
 Actions action=new Actions(driver);
  public void beforeTest() {
 driver=new FirefoxDriver();

  public void afterTest() {


Sunday, August 16, 2015

How to Configure Appium

Prerequisite to use APPIUM:
    1. Select Stand-alone SDK tools
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Standalone_SDK.png
    1. Click Download SDK now
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Click_on_SDK.png
    1. Based on Platform we need to select the file (mine is windows, so downloading .exe)
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Select_the_platform.png
    1. Accept the terms and conditions and click on Download

D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Accept_the_conditions_and_Click_on_Download.png
    1. It will automatically start download file as mentioned below
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Downloading.png
    1. Open containing file of downloaded file
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\dowloaded_file.png
    1. Double click on installation file and Follow the mentioned in the dialogue box
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK_Tool_Setup1.pngD:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK_Setup_2.pngD:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK_Setup_3.pngD:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK installatio Steps\SDK_setup_4.pngD:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK_Setup_5.pngD:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK_Setup_6.pngD:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK_Setup_7.pngD:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK_Setup_8.pngAfter clicking the finish button it will open the SDK Manger
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK_Manager.png  
    1. Select the required tools and API versions to click on Install packages to Install

  1. JDK (Java Development Kit) [Link]:
Make sure java has been installed in you machines. Along with java path in environment variables.
  1. Eclipse [Link]
Create a project
File → New → Java Project → Enter Project Name → Click on Finish
Make Sure JRE version has been picked by default in the JRE section
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Create JAVA Project\Create_JAVA Project.png
Right click on Project Name → New → Package
C:\Users\Admin\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (34).png
Enter package name and Click on Finish
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Create JAVA Project\Create_Pakage.png

Right click on package → New → Class
C:\Users\Admin\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (35).png
Enter Class Name and Click on Finish
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Create JAVA Project\Create_class.png
  1. TestNG [Link]:
  1. Select Help / Install new software.
  2. Search for new features to install.
  3. New remote site.
  4. For Eclipse 3.4 and above, enter
  5. For Eclipse 3.3 and below, enter
  6. Make sure the check box next to URL is checked and click Next.
  7. Eclipse will then guide you through the process.
  8. After successful installation of TestNG, we create TestNG class
Expand the a project Right click on a class New   Other
C:\Users\Admin\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (37).png

Select Test NG class Click on Next
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Create JAVA Project\Create_Test_NG_class.png

Enter Class name and Select the Annotation, Click on Finish
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Create JAVA Project\Test_NG_ClassName.png
  1. Selenium Server JAR [Link]
    1. Download selenium server jar from the selenium
    2. Add this jar files to the respective project
How to Add Jars
  1. Right click on a project Build path Configure Build path
C:\Users\Admin\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (38).png
Click on Add external Jars
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Create JAVA Project\Add_External_Jars.png

Select Selenium server and Selenium Java jars (which we can download from
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Create JAVA Project\Selenium_Server_Jar.pngD:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Create JAVA Project\Selenium_Java_Jars.png

Click on ‘Open ’ after selecting the jar and Click on ‘Ok’

  1. Webdriver Language Binding Library [Link]
    1. Download the webdriver jar and add it to the current project
  2. APPIUM For Windows [Link]
Download appium here
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Appium\Download_Appium.png
Click on Download Appium, It will automatically start downloading Appium for windows
Extract the file from file and install the server by double clicking the ‘appium-installer.exe’
  1. How to work with emulators:
Installing Eclipse plug-in click Here
Make sure URL whuch was provided in preferences is matching to where SDK file has been installed.
Window → preferences
C:\Users\Admin\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (39).png
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\SDK installatio Steps\Prefrences_.png
After successful installation SDK Manager and AVD icons will be displayed
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Appium\SDk_Manger_and_AVD_icons.png
SDK Manager : It is used manage the API
AVD: Used to create the Virtual devices
  1. Download Appium jar (java) files click here  and Add to the corresponding project
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Appium\Appium_Lib.png

  1. Set Android Home:
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\<installation location>\android-sdks
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
If everything is done perfectly then it will open SDK Manager when we type ‘android’ from cmd
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\Appium\Loading_SDK_from_cmd.png
  1. Prerequisites to write Appium Code:
    1. Make sure Android SDK has been installed and Path has been set  in environment variables
    2. Libraries of both selenium and Appium has been Added  into the project
    3. Appium.exe Must be installed in machine
    4. Need to start the server before executing the appium program
    5. UI Automator: To locate the elements

  1. UI Automator:
    1. To analyse the UI components of the application that you want to test, perform the following steps after installing the application given in the example.
  • Connect your Android device/open emulator to your development machine
  • Open a terminal window and navigate to <android-sdk>/tools/  and Run the tool with this command
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\UI Automator\UI_automator.png
    1. You will see the following window appear. It is the default window of the UI Automator Viewer.
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\UI Automator\UI_Automator_001.png
    1. Open AUT and Click on device icon at the top right corner
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\UI Automator\First_winodw.png
    1. It will start taking the UI XML snapshot of the screen currently opened in the device. It would be something like this.
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\UI Automator\Capturing_AUT_screen.png

    1. After that, you will see the snapshot of your device screen in the uiautomatorviewer window.
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\UI Automator\Captured_screen_of_AUT.png

    1. Need to move the cursor and  click on a particular element to  identify the elements properties
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\UI Automator\identifying_the_elements.png

  1. Identifying activity name packagename using  apk file
Method 1:
APK App Info On Google Play [Link]
Method 2:
Step1: Start "adb logcat" in command prompt.
Step2: Open the app (either in emulator or real device) 
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\UI Automator\Activity_Name.png
In the above image Activity Name is :
Package name will be:

Method 3:
    1. Open SDK folder and go to build-tools folder.
    2. Open any folder (example: 21.1.2).
    3. Open a command prompt window in this folder ( Shift+ right click – Open command window here).
    4. Run command “aapt list -a “path_to_apk_we_need_to_test”  >manifest.txt” ( this command will write the app manifest in manifest.txt file inside the same folder).
    5. Open the manifest.txt txt file.
    6. At the beginning of the file there should be details about the package including name ( example:
    7. At the end of the file there should be details about activity including name ( example: ContactManager).
Method 4:
We can get package name from the play store URL
D:\Rakesh Chityala\Appium\Docmantation\SCREEN SHOTS\UI Automator\Package_Name.png

  1. Node.js (Not Required - Whenever Appium server is installed, it by default comes with "Node.exe" & NPM. It's included in Current version of Appium.)
  2. Required capabilities before writing the appium code:
    1. Dev ice name

    1. Platform name

    1. Package name
capabilities.setCapability("appPackage", "");

    1. Activity Name

    1. Connect with appium serve r using the URL
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);

  1. Sample Appium code:

package appiumPakage;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
//import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.*;

public class Calculator {
WebDriver driver;

public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException{
//Set up desired capabilities and pass the Android app-activity and app-package to Appium
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
//capabilities.setCapability("BROWSER_NAME", "Android");
//capabilities.setCapability("VERSION", "4.4.2");
  capabilities.setCapability("appPackage", "");
// This package name of your app (you can get it from apk info app)
capabilities.setCapability("appActivity",""); // This is Launcher activity of your app (you can get it from apk info app)

//It will launch the Calculator App in Android Device using the configurations specified in Desired Capabilities
//Create RemoteWebDriver instance and connect to the Appium server
  driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);

public void testCal() throws Exception {
  //locate the Text on the calculator by using
  WebElement two=driver.findElement("2"));;
  WebElement plus=driver.findElement("+"));;
  WebElement four=driver.findElement("4"));;
  WebElement equalTo=driver.findElement("="));;
  //locate the edit box of the calculator by using By.tagName()
  WebElement results=driver.findElement(By.className("android.widget.EditText"));
//Check the calculated value on the edit box
assert results.getText().equals("6"):"Actual value is : "+results.getText()+" did not match with expected value: 6";


public void teardown(){
//close the app